Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28- Rides 22 & 23 "feel"

This week I've been working my temp job at Sounds True as well as just two afternoons at Ziji.

Sunday 2/23 My first ride with the new super Valentine's Day present sheepskin pad was a bit stiff. Sherlock seemed a bit confused and while we got some very nice stretchy marching walk, he didn't want to trot off leg pressure. I got down and did a bit of free lunge just to be sure he was sound, and he trotted fine. So I picked up the lunge whip and got back on. With a little show that I had the whip he trotted for me under saddle, albeit a little nervously. Mostly just a refresher day- weight 985# and I STILL could not get all the mud off.

Tuesday went straight to stable from work, 55 degrees and sunny, keen to give Sherlock a bath- by the time I got there the wind had picked up and the temps were dropping fast. Snowed overnight. Bad Colorado, bad.

Wednesday 2/26 Groomed with ShowSheen and decreased the mud coating greatly. Can't wait for some warm weather and bath time! Jo came out to visit and I asked her to watch me ride. She thought Sherlock looked a bit uneven, not lame but short-strided. I carried my dressage whip this time and got some good trot transitions, working backwards into voice command. Even better when we started working on back up into trot. Great reminders about feel and finding the release, esp. when backing up. Sherlock steered well when not trying to spiral in to beg Jo for mints. She had a doggy bag in her pocket and he could hear it crinkling.
Good ride!

I set up with Jo to take some more lessons when she has time this spring around her clinics.

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